Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hire me, please!

I've been writing my CV and filling job applications the whole morning. Boy that takes time!

Anyway. Some applications have the option of uploading a picture. It's not necessary, but I thought it would help in leaving a good impression. After all, it's easier to remember people by appearance.

So what do you think? I kind of look like a douchebag. Or maybe I'm just not used to seeing pictures of myself. I look a little tired, but then again I did wake up several times last night. But at least I'm half-smiling! I also see that my eye brows aren't identical. It's like I'm giving that raise-other-eyebrow look.

Notice my business shirt. I love black button-up shirts. The problem is, I could barely button it up because of my boobs! I knew I've gained a little weight over the winter, not to mention that my pecs are bigger too from training (of course). But it was still a little annoying. I have the wrong body type for these kind of shirts.


Amoena said...

Ihan hyvä kuvahan toi on. Hiukset tosin voisi olla jotenkin pirtsakammin, tosin sä kuitenkin vissiin näyttäisit just tolta siellä toimistossa. Eipähän anna yhtään väärää kuvaa :D

ELINA said...

Näistä hiuksista ei pirtsakoita saa Erkkikään. :p