Friday, April 10, 2009


I don't normally like changes in my life, but lately I've grown more accepting of it. I think the meds have given me a more relaxed attitude overall.

Just the other day, I had a discussion with a woman from my German class after we'd had our oral exam. We talked for almost an hour! I didn't flee with some petty excuse; instead, I stayed and had a very normal, relaxed conversation. That's completely against my character. I'm so not good at meeting and getting to know new people. So I congratulated myself on that. She even asked for my email, so maybe we'll meet again in the future. She seemed really nice, so I hope so.

It's weird to notice how people are much more open to me and interested now that I'm happier myself. I take contact with people without even thinking about it, and it pays off. Amazing. Only a couple weeks ago, I was still afraid people would turn me down if I tried to talk to them. Now it doesn't even occur to me that someone might not like me or be interested in me.

Well, I still have a long way to go as far as social skills, but it's a huge deal that I don't take it so seriously anymore. I have hope again. It's been so long that I dared to hope for a better life. I've been almost non-stop miserable for the past two years, and I felt like I was finally done with it. I'm glad to know it was partly just about the lack of serotonin between my brain cells.

As for other changes: I finally took Deniselle's diabolical advice and started downloading Galactica season 4 episodes. I bought season 3 dvd last autumn, because it's been two years at least since season 2 aired in Finland. I don't think they're ever going to show any more episodes.

I started rewatching season 3 because I want to make sure I haven't forgotten anything. Galactica is so complex that it's easy to forget all kinds of little twists related to side characters. Besides, with my internet connection it's going to take at least two more weeks to download the whole season.

I don't feel bad about downloading, because I know I will buy season 4 on dvd when it comes out to sale in Finland in 2015. I know I'm still an accomplice in the crime by downloading, but at least I don't share it any more than I have to. And of course, the shameless downloaders will hate me for it. Anyway, I think it's good to have a chance to try out something for free to see if you really like it. If I actually like a cd, film or a game, I always buy it afterwards. So I'm not all evil, I tell myself.

And the changes keep coming. Yesterday I bought X-tra pizza with ham, because the weekend is coming. I always celebrate my Fridays with X-tra ham pizza. It costs 2,79€ and the package contains two 180g small pizzas. They're exactly the right size: your craving for delicious pizza is fulfilled, but you won't feel stuffed. You will even have room for some fruit for dessert. But guess what? My package had only ONE pizza!!!!!! Some idiot had forgotten to put two in there!!! >:( So now my one tiny pizza is expensive as hell! And who would believe me if I went back to the store and told them about this, since I already opened the package?!

But here's what really bothers me. Only a couple weeks back, Pirkka milk (a brand of K-market) cost 85 cents per litre. They have this tag on the shelf saying "the right price!", attached to all the cheapest common products. Well, one day the milk suddenly cost 89 cents, and it still says "the right price!". I suppose, no matter how high it goes, the price is always right if it's Pirkka.

Don't get me wrong, Pirkka milk is still the cheapest. If you buy Valio milk in K-market, it costs a whopping 1,05€ per litre! In S-market, it only costs 95 cents, and they don't sell Pirkka milk at all. But it's staggering to think that two different brands used to have a 20 cents' difference in prices. I drink a lot of milk, so it really can make a difference.

So make note, K-market: I'll be watching you! Don't think people won't notice!

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