Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I don't know what to blog about, but I feel like I should.

I feel a little silly and quite happy. I've been thinking about a certain person a lot, even to the point that I couldn't sleep for days because I kept giggling and smiling and tossing around in my bed all night.

Yep. I'm crazy. I admit it.

I get to meet him tomorrow. Yay.

In the meantime, I should write. And then write some more. The deadline for my Liverpool presentation is next Thursday, so that's only one week. Then there's the lit essay that I can't even start writing because I haven't finished the readings yet. I should also write two papers about North America for a nice old gentleman who called me his "aging student".

I also haven't finished the paper on cross-cultural psychology in business and management. Lastly, I have to write my BA thesis. I wrote my MA thesis almost three years ago, and now I have to make an abbreviated version of it.

My life is a little weird sometimes. I'm weird, too, as a teacher of mine keeps telling me. Though we agreed that we're no longer a teacher and student but male-friend and female-friend.

I'm going to post later about my supercool new mouse and my experience with the brand new Windows 7. Stay tuned.

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