Monday, December 29, 2008

Meet New Shoes!

If there ever was the perfect time to make a big purchase, it's the after-Christmas sales, especially for a wealthy woman like me. Buying anything on sale makes me happy, especially when it's something I really need. (You could go on forever arguing whether we really need much of anything.)

I figured that if I had proper shoes for winter running, I would no longer have any excuse not to go jogging all year round. Yesterday it was -5 celsius, nothing per se, but too cold for running in summer shoes which have a hole in them.

Besides, the padding has crumbled ages ago, and my feet are very unforgiving when it comes to cushioning the impact. Hence, I got me dese pretty uns:

Icebug Pytho L BUGrip

Carbon rubber soles - and carbide spikes which retract on hard ground and protrude on soft ground! Thermoplastic urethane for keeping the cold out and keeping dry! Nylon mesh lining for transferring sweat away from feet! Heel pad and forefoot inserts for cushioning and responsive toe-off! Midfoot supports for stability! Nylon shanks to provide torsional rigidity! Beautiful and reflective of light to give visibility during dark hours!

Like, !!!!!11111111

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